Source: Coughsafe.com
Goodness! I’ve been sneezing into my elbow and didn’t realize it was socially unacceptable.
It makes so much sense. You should never sneeze into your hands unless you can wash them without first touching something. Handkerchiefs collect germs and tissues should be used only once.
This first video is from the CDC and makes a good lesson for kids.
Pre-screen this next one if you’re showing it to kids. It’s more entertaining than the CDC’s message, but it has a swear word at the top of the screen. Also, the video and audio are out of sync. Available in Spanish, French, Mandarin, and ASL at Why Don’t We Do It In Our Sleeves.
Remember the three C’s: Cover your Cough with your Clothes!
For those too young to recognize the reference (or old enough to enjoy the nostalgia), here is the original song. Great vocal by Paul.
Related posts:
Swine flu and hand washing: The how, the when, and the why
Swine flu, kids, and a “wash your hands” rap video
Flu season: Should we stop shaking hands?
Fear of flying: Will I catch swine flu on an airplane?
Swine flu parties for kids? Just say no
Flu news overdose
(Links will open in a separate window or tab.)
ORL Productions, Why Don’t We Do It in Our Sleeves, Coughsafe.com
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