Source: Bill Moyers Journal
Maggie Mahar announced today (on her Health Beat blog) that the documentary of her book, Money-Driven Medicine , will be available for free on the web for two weeks.
As Mahar says in her post today, the director and field producer “did a brilliant job of finding doctors and patients who tell riveting stories, while simultaneously exposing many of the less-well-known facts about our broken health care system.”
Here’s the website where you can watch it. I tried, and it works fine. You can make the video full screen. Move backwards and forwards. Watch some now and watch more later. The entire film is 80 minutes long.
I had seen the abbreviated version on Bill Moyers Journal last month. (See Sources below for links to transcripts from that show.) It’s great to see the whole film as it was meant to be viewed.
One down. What’s next for health care reform?
It looks like health care reform is going to happen. Yeah! It may not be what everyone hoped for, but that’s the reality of politics. This is a major, historic achievement.
Once we get this round of legislation behind us, the government and all interested parties are in a position to work on the more fundamental issues of the US health care system. Mahar’s book – and the Alex Gibney documentary – provide a great education on where the problems lie and what needs to be done.
Related posts:
Doctors in the trenches speak out – Part One
Doctors in the trenches speak out – Part two
Doctors in the trenches speak out – Part three
Why are US health care costs so high?
(Hover over book titles for more info. Links will open in a separate window or tab.)
Maggie Mahar, October 27: Money-Driven Medicine National “Watch-In” Begins With Screening at the U.S. Capitol–Watch the Film At Home–Free Streaming Video Online, Health Beat, October 13, 2009
Money-Driven Medicine, the documentary, streaming video from Watch-In!
Money-Driven Medicine, What’s Wrong with America’s Healthcare and How to Fix It, the documentary website
Maggie Mahar, Money-Driven Medicine: The Real Reason Health Care Costs So Much
Maggie Mahar, Health Beat
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