Misc Links 2/1/11

Tiger gets hip replacementTiger, tiger, moving right: Pioneering hip operation gives Girl a new start (Guardian)
Eight-year-old Malayan tiger received world’s first prosthetic hip. Expected to live another 12 years. Malayan tigers are an endangered species, with only 500 living in the wild.

Better communication leads to better care (American Medical News)
Patients should speak up when they have concerns about patient modesty, and doctors should listen.

Mystery of 200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin Solved (AOL News)
Those thousands of starlings that died in South Dakota? Poisoned by the US Agriculture dept. after a farmer complained the birds were defecating in his animal feed. The red-winged blackbirds? Loud noises. The cows? Poison in their feed.

Watch Out! The Assault Vehicle Is Loose! (NYT)
What if we treated firearms the way we treat cars, as a public health challenge? Nicholas Kristof invents a scenario where owners of tanks and assault vehicles use the slogans of the NRA to defend their rights.

Medicare for all would make America better (Billings Gazette)
What’s of interest here is that this editorial comes from Idaho, one of the country’s most conservative states.

Tiger Mothers and the Cartoon Arms Race (New Yorker)
A history of New Yorker cartoons chronicling the tiger-mother phenomenon and our insecurity about competition with the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Russians.

Complete list of links

Image: The Guardian


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