Back to the future—and to the drawing board (Lancet)
We live longer and can treat the diseases of old age. But this creates the potential for an economic catastrophe: ever-increasing demand met by ever-increasing supply. Review of 2030 – The Future of Medicine: Avoiding a Medical Meltdown.
FDA regulation and non-approved use of drugs (KevinMD)
An intelligent argument from a doctor on why he prescribes off-label. The FDA’s policy is medicine’s equivalent of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and encourages doctors to be snitches.
The Anti-Social Network (Slate)
By helping other people look happy, Facebook is making us sad. Stanford researcher found that people feel “particularly crummy” about themselves after viewing “attractive photos, accomplished bios, and chipper status updates” on Facebook.
A Fine Balance (Inteligent Life)
On reading Yoga Journal: “I’m clearly far from the only person who finds it annoying that articles about accepting your body are always surrounded by photos of young, lithe, mostly-white women showing off skin-tight, expensive spandex.” Review of Poser: My Life in Twenty-three Yoga Poses by Claire Dederer.
Breast implants still plagued by safety concerns (LA Times)
FDA announced investigation of possible link between breast implants and increased risk of a rare cancer. Risk is miniscule. “Breast implants are the most studied device in the history of medicine.” Exactly what does this tell us about what’s important when it comes to health?
The Tea Party Wags the Dog (NYT)
Frank Rich: “Obama must be laughing about how the party that spent a year hammering him for focusing on health care over jobs is now committing the same supposed sin.”
Image: 2030 Health Futures
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